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Special Education

Special Education

About our Special Education Programs:

The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program is designed for students ages three and four. These classes provide instruction for students with delays in cognition, communication, psychomotor, self-care, and social-emotional areas. To qualify for ECSE a student must exhibit a severe delay in one or more areas, or a moderate delay in two or more areas. Students who qualify for ECSE attend school full time. 

The Teaching Articulation and Language to Kids (TALK) program provides walk-in speech therapy for eligible students, ages 3 and 4 with severe articulation, phonological, and language disorders. Students enrolled in TALK will attend the ELC South campus, typically for 2-4 hours a week depending on what the ARD committee decides is most appropriate for the child. 

If you suspect that your child may have a disability, you can schedule an appointment through Child Find by calling 817-744-6900. The KISD Special Education Department will schedule a time for you to bring in your child for an evaluation.